Episode 3: How to Leave Toxic Meetings | Power Phrases and More

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Feb 16 2023 7 mins  
458 views  Feb 16, 2023  #phrasesfordailyuse #communicationtraining #communicationskillstraininghttps://www.danoconnortraining.com/store for all Dan's premium traininghttps://www.danoconnortraining.com/we... for free masterclass How to Leave a Toxic Meeting + Power Phrases for Work Why do you need power phrases for work? Are you stuck in a toxic meeting at work? Do you feel like it's dragging on and on with no end in sight? You'll learn power phrases for the workplace in this professional communication skills training video to help get out of those meetings quickly. Learn how to take back control of your day, leave toxic meetings,  and make the most out of your time!Using the phrase, "I have nothing of value to contribute to this, so I'm going to go back to work, and if you need me, you know where to find me, OK?"  is a great way to start taking back control of your day. This is direct, yet polite, and shows that you are not going to be taken advantage of.Effective communication skills at work can make all the difference in the world. Knowing what to say and when to say it is key. Check out all of Dan's premium communication skills training classes online at https://www.danoconnortraining.com/store.#phrasesfordailyuse #communicationtraining #communicationskillstraining  Remember that people will look to you as a communication role model.  You can be the leader of the pack and help set an example for how meetings should be conducted. Be sure to stay in control, remain positive, and make good use of your time.