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Aug 22 2024 128 mins   6

Quick throw back to Fishing Austin and Central Texas-Aaron’s spots are his favorite wades. A boat can change the game (as he mentions). John Geirach in his 1994 book Dances with Trout describes a good paddle in his little canoe where he has a fine time catching bass and such back in the days before the surge. Both the rivers he diddles around on are in Aaron’s book (Nueces and Guadalupe)

The Show-We are going to monthly. We cannot worry about what other podcasts do or what the pundits and experts say is necessary to have a good podcast. That’s fine for people who want to follow formulas that make money and content is dictated by what sells. We could do an a-hole POV podcast like that guy joe rogaine or yet another crime podcast but we are hardcore indie. And we are about fish fishing and eating fish. We do not follow any rules and never have. We do not have a narrow niche, we do not have a regular format (we do have a loose framework currently) and try as we might we do not have consistent release dates scheduled precisely. We are punk rock and while our production limitations are not the result of chemicals and ego they are the result of raising families, founding businesses, doing research and dividing our creativity and energy as best we can over any number of projects, in other words doing our thing. And Fish Nerds is one of our things. And so it survives and we keep casting pod and rod! Clay and his ever evolving merry band of helpers have broadcast this pod since 2011! So please enjoy the show, we have made all the segments a bit longer than usual just to tide y’all over. We may get some bonus material done, we made not. One thing that never has changed is we got the best dang listeners in the podcasting universe and we sure appreciate you stopping by to get your ears filled up with fish stuff. Now let’s get after it!

Jeff-does a quick show summary

Two Old Farts Talk Fishing-TTBB and CH on Ultralight Fishing 40m


FITN: 15-20m



Jeff: this is yet another instance of how pharmaceuticals (illicit or otherwise) are ending up in aquatic food chains.

Fish in the Pants Two Stories:


Jeff you know what that sound means! and yes it is a Florida man story


If you name your daughter Crystal she probably gonna be a wild thing. It’s a pretty name but dang if i have known a bunch of women named Crystal all of which could be talked into a bad idea pretty easy. At least Ms. Dixon had the sense to dump “Cruz” and ge the hell out of Dodge

Jeff: Way back in my misspent youth as an aquarist I used to keep and breed Ram cichlids (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi). They are very easy to breed in captivity, maybe Cruz was just gathering stock for a side hustle as a cichlid breeder!

Cute Story-


FEMBOY!!! 30-40m

Intro in with a brief description of the channel Jeff or John https://www.youtube.com/@femboy_fishing

Culinary Corner 8-10m

Fish Taco Talk

The Fish Nerds Podcast was created by Clay Groves and Dave Kellum, Chief Executive Fish Nerd is Clay Groves, our Producer is John Crappie Hippie King, our associate producers are Todd Corayer The Fish Wrap Writer (be sure and catch his column at Fish Wrap Writer.com), Tim Tackle Box Bete, Jeff The Fish Nerd Librarian Danaldson and our fair flower in this field of weeds our Chief Science Correspondent the one and only Doc Martin.

Thank Yous:

Wally Pleasant show theme, Dianah’s Bath Salts FITN theme. The 126’s for the intro and exit music for FEMBOY, Mysterious Baitcaster Cylinder for our CC music, Tim “Tackle Box” Bete (pron like Pete), Lucy the Super Computer,Erin and Michael, Tracy Nicole Lewis, Glasswater Angling Lead Free Fishing, check it out at glasswaterangling.com but especially you the listener for bringing your ears right on in here and letting us fill them up with fish stuff.


Spawn early and often (John)

Never trust a free lunch with strings attached (Jeff)

And swim against the current every chance you get (John)

Jeff-Looks like we just made a podcast

