Mar 05 2025 49 mins 2
The Bible tells us to let God’s Word dwell richly in our hearts (Col. 3:16), focus on what is true (Phil. 4:8), and keep our eyes set on eternity (2 Cor. 4:18).
Today’s storyteller is going to beautifully remind you of the benefits that come from living out these verses.
Emily Holman, from our Tupelo, Mississippi community, shares her journey of strengthening her faith in God and trust in His Word as she walked through two of her life's most challenging and heartbreaking seasons. This powerful story will encourage you to develop deep roots in your faith and learn the importance of, in Emily’s words, putting “oil in your lamp.”
- When you find yourself in darkness and pain, you must speak God‘s truth
- Like Peter walking on the water, you can do the impossible as long as you keep your eyes focused on Jesus.
- With the help of God, suffering can turn to beauty.
Matthew 25:1-13 - The Parable of the 10 Virgins
Listen to a similar story:
Amy Grote- Ep. 20: “Healing Through Heartache- The Loss of A Child; Kara Potts- Ep. 173: Suffering in Hope- A Mother’s Story.
Give to StoryTellers Live in honor of Emily and past storytellers.
Become a Patreon Insider to access bonus content~ including Amy’s discussion with past storyteller Jessica Roberts (Jessica Roberts- Ep. 42: “Longing to Be Known”) on meaningful ways they honor and celebrate memories of their loved ones.
Shop for our When God Shows Up Bible Study series, including the newly released Discovering God in Stories of Faith!
Register for the local workshop being offered on April 9th in Birmingham:
Finding God in the Details: A Guide to Discerning His Voice and Discovering Your Story
Our 4th Annual Stories of Hope Luncheon is on March 12th!