Jan 16 2024 30 mins 1
Meet Terry,
Who initially moved abroad to understand her ancestors past, she fell in love with travelling and followed her husband throughout his postings in Africa in the midst of the AIDS pandemic.
In this episode, she shares:
What life in Africa was like in the 90s
How she adapted to the different cultures and made friends
Life with young children abroad
The many adventures and lessons life abroad has taught her
You can find more of her stories in her latest book: Circling Home, What I learned by living elsewhere
Her recommendations:
🇨🇭in Switzerland
Café du Soleil in Geneva for fondue
Perle du lac
Diner Cruise
🇹🇿 Zanzibar
Tembo House Hotel
Blue Oyster Inn
Her song by Karolina by Awilo
Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.