BARRY SCHWARTZ: Inside the Mind of a Top American Architectural Photographer - Part Two
A Photographer's Life™ interview with veteran architecture photographer Barry Schwartz. Barry is one of America's most respected photographers in the world of architectural photography and is also one of the industry's leading educators. Barry is based in the San Francisco, California Bay Area, and is a long-time member of The Association of Independent Architectural Photographers™ (AIAP).
In this episode's interview with AIAP director Alan Blakely, Barry reveals his business model and business practices and shares his mentoring presentation. Barry discusses contracts, licensing, copyright, ethics and best business practices for photographers. Barry's photography can be viewed at his website:
The Association of Independent Architectural Photographers™ was established in 2001 and is an Internet-based trade association with one primary purpose: To promote the professional success of established independent architectural photographers. Membership in the AIAP is open to full-time professional architectural photographers. You can find the AIAP online at
This Podcast is Copyright 2024 The Association of Independent Architectural Photographers™, All Rights Reserved. This content may not be used either in full or in part without the written consent of the AIAP.
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