May 14 2023 51 mins
This episode talks about an essential ingredient and starting point for being a "good mentor" for Dawn, the-every-young person-becoming-young-adult. Before sharing one's wisdom, one must know who one is sharing one's wisdom with. Hence the question, "Who is Dawn?" Only after activating the empathetic sensibility and stepping into Dawn's worlds can one open the treasure chest to share the collected gems and nuggets of one's wisdom.
Quote: "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
T-shirt idea: "I've been AI'd"
Locating Dawn - Where is Dawn?
The study of generations and their characteristics is an important field of research in sociology and psychology. Over the years, several generations have been identified based on their birth years and common experiences. Below is a brief introduction to the terms for the generations, starting from Generation Alpha to the GI Generation.
- Generation Alpha (born 2010 to present): The term "Generation Alpha" was first coined by Mark McCrindle, an Australian demographer. Members of this generation are born in the age of smartphones, social media, and digital technology.
- Gen Zalpha (9-14 years of age): A combination of Gen Alpha and Gen Z. This is an example of a “cusper” generation like the Zillennials and the Xennials. This can make things more difficult in terms of “locating” ourselves in a generational sense but one does not always fit so nicely into a box.
- Generation Z or Gen-Z (born 1997 to 2012): Gen-Z is the cohort born after the millennials, and they are considered to be the first truly digital native generation. They have grown up with the internet, smartphones, and social media.
- Zillennials or Gen Zennial (born mid-to-late 1990s to early 2000s): Zillennials or Gen Zennials are the bridge between Gen Z and millennials. They are sometimes also referred to as the "Oregon Trail Generation," after the popular computer game.
- Millennials or Generation Y (born 1981 to 1996): Millennials are the generation that came of age in the early 2000s. They are known for their familiarity with technology, multiculturalism, and emphasis on work-life balance.
- Xennials (born 1977 to 1983): Xennials are a micro-generation that fall between Generation X and millennials. They are considered to be a blend of the two generations, having grown up without the internet but later adapting to it as adults.
- Generation X (born 1965 to 1980): Members of Generation X are often referred to as the "latchkey kids" because many grew up in households where both parents worked. They are often seen as independent, adaptable, and tech-savvy.
- Baby Boomers (born 1946 to 1964): Baby boomers are the post-World War II generation and are often associated with the cultural and social changes of the 1960s and 1970s. They are known for their work ethic and dedication to their careers.
- Silent Generation or Traditionalists (born 1928 to 1945): Members of the Silent Generation were born during the Great Depression and came of age during World War II. They are known for their hard work, patriotism, and respect for authority.
- GI Generation or Greatest Generation (born 1901 to 1927): The GI Generation is the oldest generation currently recognized. They are known for their bravery and sacrifices during World War II.
In addition to the above, when talking about generations, there has also been reference to Gen-Meta (Individuals, who since birth, who have had the option of living in both a physical world and a digital world). Our focus in this episode will be Gen-Z. The above information was a hybrid product of an information search on ChatGPT and some editing and revising on my part.
Ideas for a Competency-Based Curriculum for the 21st Century:
-Emotional Intelligence, -Conflict Resolution, -Communication Skills, -Meaning Making, -Citizenship & Activism, -Financial Literacy, -Fostering Creativity, -Problem-solving, -Self-Care, -Critical Thinking, DOT, DOT, DOT.
Helpful Resources:
1) "Nature" by Ralph Waldo Emmerson: Nature by Ralph Waldo EMERSON read by Various | Full Audio Book - YouTube
2) "Walden" by Henry David Thoreau: Walden (FULL Audiobook) - YouTube
3) "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau: CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE - Full AudioBook - Henry David Thoreau - YouTube
Related Episodes:
1) Episode 71 - Advice for a young person: Episode 71 - Advice for a young person - A Steve, Captain Jack and Danielson book and podcast debrief | The Hopeful Humanist Cafe
2) Episode 8 - The Benefits of Self-Prescribing Nature in a Tumultuous World: Episode 8 - The Benefits of Self-Prescribing Nature in a Tumultuous World | The Hopeful Humanist Cafe
3) Episode 77 - The Hard Case for Self-Care: Episode 77 - The Hard Case for Self-Care - A time to Notice | The Hopeful Humanist Cafe
A Parting Salutations:
Thank-you for joining me for another meeting of the minds. As always, the conversation is ongoing and continuous.
Peace, take care, be well, and share
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