Nov 07 2024 129 mins
We survived Hurricane Helene and we're taking the time-traveling hearse to Hell and back on an all new Talking Taker! Join wrestling superfans Alex Doriot and Travis White on their encyclopedic exploration digging up The Dead Man as the return of a brief Hurricane hiatus and examine The Undertaker's complete history inside Hell In A Cell! The Cell is the arguably the most iconic gimmick in WWE history, and The Phenom is its most prolific competitor. With Hell In A Cell celebrating its roots this year at the returning Bad Blood event, we decided to examine the match's evolution across the past 27 years and the way it intertwined with Taker's historic career. Not only do we dive into every one of The Undertaker's matches, we also touch on every Hell In A Cell match ever, highlighting our favorites and discussing the many highs and lows inside this dangerous, bloody, and breathtaking structure. All that plus a wild edition of Undertaker sightings covering the 6 Feet Under interview with Donald Trump! Download, enjoy, and Taker Easy!
Today's episode is brought to you by "Reconstruction", the new full length album from Travis White! Stream Travis's new album of original tunes on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, or wherever you love to listen!
Put a Talking Taker cap on your head with brand new hats available over at!
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