Jan 09 2025 34 mins
Let's talk about menopause.
When I was in my twenties, most of my nutrition clients were in their 50s. I would talk to them about hot flashes, low libido, and weight gain and "what they could do about it," exercise more, eat less, you know, the drill.
I remember a few of my clients laughing at me and saying, "Oh, honey, in thirty years, give us a call and let us know what you think of the advice you're giving us!"
Fast forward to 2020, when I was forced into INSTANT menopause after my breast cancer diagnosis, and oh goodness, I'm mortified by my lack of compassion and understanding of menopause in my twenties.
Today's guest is Dr. Corinne Menn. She's a menopause expert, a world-renowned OB-GYN, and a twenty-four-year breast cancer survivor.
Dr. Menn explained that a recent study discovered that only 7% of ob/gyns were comfortable talking to their patients about menopause.
Who is supposed to help us?
How about our quality of life, including sleep and weight gain?
Not to mention the higher risk of heart disease.
And should we talk about sex? I think we should.
Sex can be incredibly painful during the menopause years.
Dr. Menn is here to help!
Her advice regarding tackling these menopause challenges was invaluable. I loved her tips on weight loss and sleep, and I will say it again: SEX!
About Dr. Corinne Menn
Dr. Corinne Menn is a board-certified OBGYN and Menopause Society Certified Practitioner. Dr. Menn is also an over 20 year survivor of breast cancer and premature menopause, a BRCA carrier, and uses her experience to help women navigate their own health challenges. She has dedicated her medical practice to menopause management, the unique healthcare needs of female cancer survivors, and those at high risk for breast cancer. Now practicing exclusively through telehealth, Dr. Menn provides women’s health consultations and patient education via her private practice as well as at Alloy.
Connect with Dr. Corinne Menn
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drcorinnemenn
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drmennobgyn/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@drmenn
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drmenn/
Website: https://www.drmenn.com/
Amazon Store
When I began detoxing my life after being diagnosed with cancer, I felt overwhelmed and confused. I thought I was already making good health choices, but the more I researched, the more I discovered that small changes could lead to significant improvements.
For instance, switching from tea bags to loose-leaf tea can help prevent additional microplastics from accumulating in my body. These plastic particles can affect my hormones and contribute to inflammation.
This was such a simple swap! I was so encouraged that I started to make more simple swaps.
And now, I have an Amazon Store listing many of my favorite detox tips!
Click here to check to see my simple swaps.
This podcast is for informational purposes only and none of the information should be construed as medical advice. Listeners should seek guidance from their own medical team before making any medical or lifestyle changes