Oct 26 2024 55 mins 1
App intents can be exposed in various ways beyond shortcuts, such as custom controls, focus filters, and spotlight actions. They enable users to perform specific actions without launching the app, making them more accessible and user-friendly. App intents can also be used to configure widgets, interact with hardware, and handle preferences, providing a seamless user experience across different platforms.
- (00:00) - Introduction
- (04:20) - App Intents
- (06:57) - Become a member
- (07:17) - Some examples
- (16:31) - Action Centered Design
- (17:52) - Get some Coffee
- (20:04) - Examples from Barc
- (21:39) - What makes a good App Intent
- (27:26) - Creating an App Intent
- (30:03) - Using Queries and Configuration
- (32:36) - Get SetApp
- (55:35) - Cocoatype.com
- (55:38) - Support the podcast
Mentioned in this episode
The way we interact with apps is changing, so should the way they are designed
WWDC Developer video for getting started with App Intents
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- Marko Wiese
- Adam Wulf
- bitSpectre
- Arclite
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