Far Cry (w/ Alex Vontillius)

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Feb 05 2025 73 mins   1 1 0

#64 on the "filth" list informs us that if you meet a far cry, shoot it in the eyes. That's where it cries the most.

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Speaking of our other podcasts - seriously, you could only listen to various other configurations of us:
Luke Loves Pokemon: https://lukelovespkmn.transistor.fm/
Time Enough Podcast (Twilight Zone): https://timeenoughpodcast.transistor.fm/
Game Game Show (a game show gaming games): https://gamegameshow.transistor.fm/
Occult Disney: https://occultdisney.transistor.fm/
Podcast: 1999 (where Mark and Matt rap about 70's tv sci-fi): https://podcast1999.transistor.fm/

And Matt makes music here:

Coming Soon:
Hercules in New York
All That Jazz