Jul 23 2019 49 mins
In this Episode we answer all of your Juicy Q’s.
>>Does travel put a strain on our relationship>
>>How has traveling affected your ability to have deep friendships and accountability with people outside of your marriage?
>>How do we maximize our time with each contract and plan what we are going to see and do...Sightseeing etc..
Each month we do an Ask Kim and Erran G Anything Episode.
This is your chance to ask us anything..and we mean anything. Y'all know we don’t hold back and we like to get down, dirty and keep it real!!
Ask us anything from Fun Travel, to healthcare travel, to debt, to money, to relationship stuff, to entrepreneurial stuff…..Nothing is off the table!!!
Ask away ...and each month we will pull a couple of Q’s and answer them on the Pod:)
Head over to www.freedominscrubs.com and click the Ask Kim and Erran G tab and ask away!!
While your there please leave a review and subscribe!!!
Follow along with all our adventures and daily stories on Insta @Kimanderrang
Healthcare Travelers: Join our FB Group- Travel Life: Freedom In Scrubs
To find out more about us and the work we do head over to www.kimanderrang.com