Aug 27 2019 46 mins
In this epside of Ask Kim & Erran G Anything...This is Round 2 and it got super interesting
We answer all of your Q's on Relationships, Healthcare Traveling, Our Personal Travels and Everything In Between!!
The Questions we answer on this episode, and show notes:
1:05- Travelers School Enrollment Period…..Learn More at
2:45- What’s New
5:20- Our Tips of the Week
10:45- IF you were single, would you be traveling, and in what manner, ie renting empty apartment, RV, AirBnb, U-Haul, Furnished Apartment, Rooming with Someone?
14:09- (Bonus) If you were single, would you travel with a pet?
15:18- Kim got trapped by Pit Bulls when living by herself
18:00- A question in regards to our “FUN” Non Work Related Travel Adventures, How do you go about picking your destinations and what would you do there, do you use a Travel Agent, websites, etc..
30:54- How do you kindly turn down an extension, while Healthcare Traveling?
37:00- Do you all want to have kids someday?
We love answering your's so fun for us!
If you want to ask us anything....go to and go to contact us..and email us any questions you have!
Nothing is off the table....Ask us about travel, relationships, money, side hussles...whatever!!
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Follow along with all our travel adventures and daily stories on Instagram: @Kimanderrang
Healthcare Travelers: Join our FB Group: Travel Life: Freedom In Scrubs
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