Oct 25 2024 77 mins
Greeting’s heathens and witches,
Welcome to Pub Chat! These episodes are for us to have a more free-form way to discuss listener questions, shorter subjects, as well as magical happenings, musings, and of course, go off on tangents.
In this week's Pub Chat we decided to analyze the Abramelin Ritual as it’s presented in the 2016 horror movie, A Dark Song. Not unlike Magic in Media, this review and discussion will go into what the movie presents with regard to its plot and the ritual and compare that to the history and magical structures that we know and understand. So, grab yourself something to drink and join us for a spooky season themed discussion… Ohh, and fear not, there is much vamping and many side quests!
Also, yes there was some sort of card error in my camera which corrupted the video files, so no video for most of this one. Sorry about that but you still get to listen to us at least! lol
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