#400 – Patrick Geddes, Aperio – Lessons From A Customized Indexing Pioneer Who Sold His Firm To BlackRock

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Mar 21 2022 64 mins   145

Today’s guest today is Patrick Geddes, founder and former CEO of Aperio Group, a leader in the direct indexing space with $42b in AUM when it was acquired by BlackRock for over $1b.

In today’s episode, we kick it off with hearing back Patrick’s days at Morningstar as the Director of Quantitative Research & CFO. Then Patrick shares what led him to start a firm focused on direct indexing and customization over 20 years ago. We talk about why the Great Financial Crisis was an inflection point for direct indexing and why there’s been so much M&A in the space over the last couple of years.

Then we talk about his book, Transparent Investing.  We talk about consumer advocacy, the importance of taxes & fees, and ways to counteract some of the behavioral biases we all have.


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