Feb 01 2025 18 mins 1
Gas, bloating, brain fog, depression and anxiety are symptoms conneted to aging as well as perimenopause and beyond. These symptoms are often misdiagnosed and overlooked as a cause of fatty liver. The good news is you can identify fatty liver before it damages your liver. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast I share a connection I'm seeing with to stubborn weight loss and weight gain over 40.
What You'll Learn In This Episode:
- Surprising symptoms of a fatty liver that mimic hormone imbalances
- How to use basic labs your doctor runs on you to see if you have a fatty liver
- What nutrient deficiencies are related to fatty liver
- How to adjust your diet and nutrients for a fatty liver
Resources From The Show:
- Hepatic steatosis Index
- Fatty liver Index
- List of nutrient deficiencies related to a fatty liver:
- 2-4 weeks Very low carb and fat diet
- Hypochloric low carb or mediterranean diet thereafter
- Cardio and resistance exercise
- Vit E + Tocotrienols
- Choline
- N-Acetyl Cysteine
- Omega3's
- Carnitine
- Berberine
- Milk thistle
- Nigella seed
- Hesperidin
- Probiotic