Mar 09 2025 123 mins
This week's (oops...) edition of The Wyrd Ways Rock Show was going to be released before International Women's Day, but unfortunately the number of spoons I had available weren't up to the task. Especially after the emotional kick in the balls I received midweek. There's a few more details on my Insta, if you're intrigued, but that's limited to close friends.Anyway, as is sort-of traditional for International Women's Day in these parts, the new edition of The Wyrd Ways Rock Show is a showcase of women in Metal. Check out the playlist below. As I keep saying, time and time again, "female fronted Metal" is NOT A GENRE - it's a lazy label applied by misogynists who can't see past their own noses (since it probably sticks out further than their... no. We're not going to be bodyshaming).This Women's History Month, play this show especially loud. I've deliberately not included the likes of Nightwish and Epica (although there is a bit of Symphonic Metal in there... because I do enjoy a bit of Symphonic), but focussed on the newer bands, since that's what The Wyrd Ways Rock Show is all about.While I'm here, I'm also going to plug some woman-led entertainment enterprises I'm very much enjoying/looking forward to - Darkhaus Burlesque, Burning Hell Burlesque and Sxxplicit's pop-up stripper-led strip club nights, run by PDSM. Check them out and throw your support behind them. They're trying to make things better and that's something we should all be in favour of.In fact, the only track that may not have female members, rather than being all male, is the final one - that's because it was put in there for Nameless Ghule on Insta, since she likes a bit of Ghost. She didn't request it, but I know she likes them, and you do stuff like that for people you enjoy the company of (even if it's just online), right?