Nov 22 2024 28 mins 37
Macro Meditation #2
Wow. Did you enjoy the Complexity episode? I went full zen on you. Deep breathing, tapping into the god-like forces within. Sounds crazy, right? Except it’s not. You are the god. The universe doesn’t revolve around some external queen bee or king. Nope, it’s you. But modern society? It’s been locking that realization away for centuries, creating gatekeepers, the constant buzz of traffic on the mental highway that runs through your mind. The incessant voices that keep you hustling, second-guessing, never questioning the system.
That’s why I lean into serendipity and synchronicity. I’ve found creative rebirth through breathing, through breaking on through to the other side. It’s about reconnecting to the magic kingdom within. Forget the false gods of Wall Street, religion or the carnival of politics. I don’t care who won the election, both sides are just the hapless lions in The Wizard of Oz, prowling around, but without the courage to challenge the status quo.
Speaking of which, let’s talk markets. Did you know the S&P has gone up nearly 60-fold since 1980? Fortunes have been made by the money changers, the witches of the east, Wall Street Barrons. Asset prices have soared on the back of globally suppressed labour costs and perpetually low rates. But for the average Joe? Stagnation. Real wages flatlined decades ago, communities frayed. And yet, we cheer every tick higher on the stock index, oblivious to the cost.
I want you to be courageous my curious mind warriors. To have the kind of courage that questions, that disrupts. The kind of courage you find when you strip away the noise, quiet the mind, and breathe deeply.
So, as I close out this meditation, let me remind you: it’s okay to be a little crazy. Embrace the complexity. Be curious. Be bold. And most importantly, keep being acid capitalists.
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