Feb 22 2023 48 mins
NCI/NIH Complementary Cancer Care and Integrated Medicine National Cancer Institute Series. Breast Cancer: Tips from a Survivor Who Cares. Who am I? My name is Judy Fitzgerald. Since my breast cancer diagnosis fourteen years ago, I have been dedicated to sharing information to support breast cancer patients and survivors. My channel shares diet and lifestyle changes I have adopted to stay healthy, as well as the challenges I faced when actually going through treatment. My passion is supporting research for the prevention of breast cancer through the elimination of toxic food and personal products, as well as the ultimate goal of finding a vaccine to prevent the disease. In this video we discuss diet and lifestyle changes to prevent cancer and recurrence, complementary strategies to help with chemo and radiation side effects, and a holistic approach to cancer care. #prevention #preventionisthecure #sisters4prevention #survivingcancer #breastcancer #breastcancerawareness #cancertreatment #breastcancersurvivor #breastcancersurvival #nationalcancerinstitute #nationalinstituteofhealth #preventcancer #holisticcancercare #alternativecancercare #pinkvaccine #aftercancertreatment #healthylivingaftercancer #avoidradiationsideeffects #avoidchemosideeffects #psychologicaleffectsofcancer #stressofcancer #integrativemedecine