Mar 05 2025 12 mins 3
2024. He was last seen alive on Sunday, February 25 with his mother, Katie Proudfoot.
In today's video, I discuss some additional rumors floating around Hendersonville, Tennessee, where Sebastian lived. And I also touch on who I believe was the mastermind behind the crime.
#sebastianrogers #missingboy #missingchild #breakingnews #breaking
#truecrime #katieproudfoot #chrisproudfoot #sethrogers #missingboy #hendersonville #tenneessee #sebastiansarmy
#idaho #moscowidaho #kayleegoncalves #madisonmogen #ethanchapin #xanakernodle #moscowstudentmurders #idahostudentmurders #moscowhomicides #truecrimeunsolved #truecrimeunsolved
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