Jun 18 2023 32 mins
Perhaps one of the most well known Cold Cases in American History is the murder and mutilation of Elizabeth Short, or as she is probably better known: The Black Dahlia. This week, the CCC dives into the case, re-telling Elizabeth’s story, discussing known facts and debunking common myths that are often mistaken for fact. We also explore the primary suspect in the Dahlia case, Dr. George Hill Hodel. It’s a story whose headlines were written for Hollywood. Join Ashley, Beth and Whitney as they share The Black Dahlia: The Murder of Elizabeth Short, a 1947 Cold Case local to Los Angeles, California.
#TheBlackDahlia #ElizabethShort #BethShort #ElizabethBettyShort #ColdCase #UnsolvedHomicide #Mutilation #BiSection #GlasgowSmile #Unsolved #ColdCasesOfCalifornia #LosAngeles #ColdCasesOfLosAngeles #JeanneFrench #1947 #HollywoodHistory
To see the unedited photographs of the Elizabeth Short Crime Scene: https://reelreviews.com/shorttakes-56/morbidly-hollywood-no-ad/black-dahlia-death3
Hodel, Steve. “The Black Dahlia Avenger: The True Story.” Ed. 1. Arcade Publishing. New York, NY. 2003
The Los Angeles Times
The Los Angeles Examiner
The Daily News: Los Angeles, CA
The Guardian : https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/may/26/black-dahlia-murder-steve-hodel-elizabeth-short
Root of Evil: The True Story of the Hodel Family and the Black Dahlia (S1 E1-8)
Hollywoodland Unsolved: The Murder of the Black Dahlia Parts 1&2
Murder and Misery: The Black Dahlia S1 E33
Cold Case Files: The Black Dahlia
InHuman: Episode 138: Elizabeth Short aka: The Black Dahlia
Special Thank You’s:
Thank You to Our Families
Candor Creative Company
Kevin Beatty
Compute One
Hale Family Dentistry
Ah-hale Creations
Brand RPM
abyss by Rexlambo https://soundcloud.com/rexlambo
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Whitney Cappellari and Audacity