Jul 19 2023 18 mins
You never think much of running routine errands in town, especially these days. But for the family of David Allen Fann, a mundane trip into Beckley seemingly turned into a nightmare that even today, six (6) years later, is shrouded in mystery. On the morning of June 22, 2016, David Fann traveled from his home in Amigo to the “city” of Beckley around 30 minutes away to purchase a hedge trimmer, only to be found hours later deceased and discarded along a remote hiking path at Stephens Lake. His trail can be traced through security cameras from Harbor Freight to Ollie’s Bargain Outlet until 12:30pm. But what happened to David Fann? And how did he come to end up at Stephens Lake? Join the Cold Case Crew as they discuss “The Murder of David Allen Fann,” a cold case local to Raleigh County, West Virginia and the second in our Hometown Horror Series.
If you or anyone you know has any information regarding the murder of David Allen Fann, please contact Crimestoppers at (304) 255-STOP. You can also submit a tip online at crimestoppersofraleighcounty.org . You can submit anonymously and are not required to give your name.
#DavidFann #DavidAllenFann #ColdCasesOfRaleighCounty #ColdCasesOfWestVirginia #ColdCasesOfBeckley #LakeStephens #UnsolvedHomicide #MysteriousDeath #2016 #WVUnsolved #JusticeForDavidFann #ColdCase #Unsolved #UnsolvedWV #ColdCaseCrewWV
Mysterious WV: Episode 42, The Murder of David Fann
The Register Herald
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Compute One
Ah-Hale Creations
Brand RPM
Hale Family Dentistry
Candor Creative Company
Kevin Beatty
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