Jan 07 2024 17 mins
ONE FAMILY, TWO TRAGEDIES—On December 3, 2015, twenty six (26) year old Chaz Richardson seemingly vanished from his residence in Surveyor, WV. It has been said that Chaz ran into the woods after a drug induced seizure, but the true story remains unknown. In December 2020, skeletonized remains discovered in a secluded wooded area in Surveyor were positively identified as belonging to Chaz Richardson. But how did he meet his fate? And what were the circumstances leading up to his untimely end? Join the Cold Case Crew as they discuss The Murder of Chaz Richardson, an unsolved homicide from Raleigh County, WV.
#ChazRichardson #ChazAlfredRichardson #UnsolvedWV #UnsolvedHomicide #WhoMurderedChaz #ColdCase #Mysterious #Unsolved #ColdCasesOfWestVirginia #ColdCasesOfRaleighCounty #MelanieMetheny #TwoTragedies #OneFamily #Homicide #Surveyor #WV #WestVirginia #2015
Mysterious WV- UPDATE: Missing Person Chaz Richardson
Mysterious WV- Missing Person: Chaz Richardson
Status Pending: Case Overview: Chaz Alfred Richardson (2015)
Special Thank You’s:
Thank You to Our Families
Compute One
Hale Family Dentistry
Brand RPM
Candor Creative Company
Kevin Beatty
Ah-Hale Creations
abyss by Rexlambo https://soundcloud.com/rexlambo
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/3ksUw0D
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/t_VIgXsAp9I
Whitney Cappellari and Audacity