Jun 22 2024 31 mins
We have a very special guest today. If you are a sports and business fan, especially positive training, this young lady needs no introduction. She is the daughter of critically acclaimed bestselling author Jon Gordon, Topic Expertise: The Power of Positive Leadership The Power of Positive Team The Power of Positive Leadership for Teens The Energy Bus Jade has worked with companies such as Hanes, Reddy Ice, and Paysafe, many athletic programs including Harvard, Ole Miss, & Auburn, professional teams in the NHL and non-profits about leadership and teamwork. Jade is also a former athlete who helps athletes develop a winning and team first mindset. Jade Gordon is a graduate of Clemson University with a degree in Communications. After college she moved to Los Angeles to pursue acting while working at Nobu Malibu, a World Famous restaurant. She learned the art of great customer service by loving and caring about the people she encountered daily. She brings that same love and passion to her keynotes and workshops. She is a Power of Positive Leadership Certified Trainer for the Jon Gordon Companies. Jade Gordon is my guest today on the Heroes and icons podcast.
For more information, please go to: Jade Gordon | Jon Gordon
Jon Gordon | Bestselling Author and Keynote Speaker
You can buy The One Truth here at Amazon: https://a.co/d/04FEYbCW
Jade can be reached via e-mail: [email protected]; on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jadegordon11/, or on the X: https://x.com/jade_gordon11
The host Greg Randolph can be reached at: [email protected].
Legends of Yesterday and Today- Heroes and Icons Podcast
Please also visit: We are Storytellers of Houston (houstoncitybeat.com)
Heroes and Icons with Greg Randolph (houstoncitybeat.com)
Thank you for listening! Have a great night, God Bless!!