Mar 19 2024 52 mins
Have you ever reached a point in life where the path you're on just doesn't feel right anymore? That moment of realization hit mixed-media collage artist and teacher Cat Rains like a splash of vibrant paint on a blank canvas. She joins us on Mind Over Medium to recount her colorful transition from an unfulfilling conventional career to the rich, textured world of art—a journey that teaches us it's never too late to discover and pursue our passions. Listen as Cat shares not only her personal transformation but also offers wisdom on cultivating joy through her course "Collage Joy," painting a picture of the fulfillment found in both creating and imparting knowledge.
Navigating the landscape of a creative business can feel like a juggling act, requiring a balance of discipline and innovation. In our candid conversation, we uncover how Cat harnesses focus to steer clear of the alluring 'shiny objects' that threaten to distract. We also wade into the digital realm where mastering technology becomes an essential brushstroke in the portrait of artistic success. The dialogue branches out to touch on the importance of embracing opportunities that may initially seem daunting, providing a masterclass in growing beyond comfort zones and confronting resistance with strategies like the "task tower" for productivity.
If you've ever felt stifled creatively or stuck in a mundane task, this episode offers a splash of inspiration. We break down how small, consistent art steps can lead to leaps in confidence and how embarking on a 100-day collage project can unfold into an astonishing display of personal growth and artistic evolution. Cat's insights into setting achievable goals and the joy of progress stitch together a narrative encouraging us to weave creativity into the fabric of our lives, transforming the ordinary into extraordinary. Tune in as we explore the canvas of life with Cat Rains, and get ready to pick up your own artistic tools with renewed vigor and a heart full of joy.
Connect with Cat Here
Connect with Lea Ann Here