Dec 29 2024 24 mins 1
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2025 is a very transitional year. All the outer planets are changing signs this year and we go into 2025. Pluto has just ensconced itself into Aquarius. For the duration Pluto will be in Aquarius all of 2025 during the early degrees of that sign.
The first major astrological shift occurring in 2025 is on January 11th 2025, when the Nodes of the Moon switch into Virgo and Pisces. The South Node will be transiting Virgo and the North Node will be transiting Pisces until July 26, 2026. So tag Virgo and Pisces. You're it. Also, the nodes of the moon indicate where eclipses will fall. So during the eclipses of 2025, Virgo and Pisces you're going to be feeling it, so put on your seatbelt, get your remedies in order to weather the coming year.
And those who are going to be most impacted by this Nodal Shift into the Virgo/Pisces axis are those born June 2006 - December 2007, who will be having their nodal return. So they're between 18 and 19 years old. Then the other group is December 1987 through May 1989. Those people will be between 36 and 37 years old, approximately April 1969 to November 1970. So they're between 55 to 56 years old. Then we have the group born July 1950 through March 1952, approximately 74 to 75 years old. And then we have people born from December 29th 1931 to June 24th 1933, between 92 and 94 years old. All of you are having your nodal return.