Jul 18 2024 61 mins
In this conversation, we meet with Reverend Sheila Beckford and Reverend Michelle Ledder and talk about their work in anti-racism. They discuss their backgrounds and what led them to co-found Anti-Racism for 4REALS. The core principles of their organization are real talk, real strategies, real-time, and real change. They emphasize the importance of interrupting racism in real time and providing concrete strategies for dismantling it. They also address the issue of colorism within the Black community and the need to challenge white supremacist ideology. They do not tailor their programs based on the audience, as their message remains consistent regardless of who they are speaking to. They also discuss the role of implicit bias and how to help individuals recognize their own biases. The conversation explores the importance of bringing implicit bias to the conscious level and taking responsibility for addressing it. It emphasizes the need for questioning and self-reflection to challenge stereotypes and biases. The speakers highlight that it is not the responsibility of marginalized communities to educate others on their biases. They discuss the role of anti-racism initiatives in dismantling systemic racism and emphasize the importance of concrete evidence of change. They differentiate between DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) work and anti-racism work, emphasizing the need for real change and not just tokenism. The future of Four Reals includes workshops, preaching sessions, and capacity-building for non-profits.