Apr 11 2022 50 mins
Aliza Kelly connects with Drew Afualo (Virgo Sun, Cancer Moon, Sagittarius Rising), TikTok’s favorite savior against misogynistic men, host of the new show “The Comment Section,” and co-host of the podcast “Two Idiot Girls.” In this episode, Drew explains how she became the TikTok sensation she is today, how she handles all the hate, and what it takes to boldly call men out on their bullshit. Drew and Aliza discuss the atrocities of the internet, the destructive impact of the patriarchy, and how Drew inspires women day after day in the face of it all. Drew tells Aliza about the magic of her fans, and Aliza pulls a tarot card to illuminate Drew’s future.
Tune in to Stars Like Us each week for expert interviews on pop culture and mysticism. Find out what guests believe in, how magic shows up in their lives, and what the universe has to offer them.
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Follow Drew on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@drewafualo?lang=en
Follow Drew on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drewafualo/
Watch “The Comment Section”: https://lnk.bio/thecommentsection
Listen to Drew’s podcast “Two Idiot Girls": https://open.spotify.com/show/7pMtPlUxSXf9NcoSu2ZzX6
Follow Aliza on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alizakelly/
Order This Is Your Destiny: http://bit.ly/ThisIsYourDestinyBook
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