Mar 18 2025 27 mins 49
Harvard Business School professor Raffaella Sadun’s research has historically focused on digital reskilling. Now, rapid technological changes — like AI — are reshaping the nature of work. Raffaella’s research has explored how AI might empower those with intermediate expertise, such as store managers and blue-collar workers, to become more efficient and satisfied in their roles. She shares a bit about her research on today’s episode of <cite>Me, Myself, and AI</cite> and highlights the potential for AI to improve teamwork and innovation by bridging the gaps between different functional teams. Her experiments show that AI can enhance productivity and output quality, sometimes even substituting for team collaboration, while also improving speed and efficiency in problem-solving tasks. Read the episode transcript here.
Guest bio:
Raffaella Sadun is the Charles E. Wilson Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, where she cochairs the Project on Managing the Future of Work and is coprincipal investigator of the Digital Reskilling Lab. Her research focuses on managerial and organizational drivers of productivity and growth in corporations and the public sector. She cofounded several large-scale projects to measure management practices and managerial behavior in organizations, such as the World Management Survey, the Executive Time Use Study, and U.S. Census Bureau’s Management and Organizational Practices Survey of hospitals.
Me, Myself, and AI is a collaborative podcast from MIT Sloan Management Review and Boston Consulting Group and is hosted by Sam Ransbotham and Shervin Khodabandeh. Our engineer is David Lishansky, and the coordinating producers are Allison Ryder and Alanna Hooper.
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