Jonaed interviews Khalilah KO Olokunola, a senior advisor for TalentNova and founder of Reengineering HR, about skills-first hiring and navigating the workforce for justice-impacted individuals. They discuss the challenges faced by justice-impacted individuals in finding employment, the importance of community support, the impact of Ban-the-Box policies, and the skills and certifications that justice-impacted individuals possess. They also explore the process of building confidence, the rights of justice-impacted individuals in the hiring process, and the future of fair-chance hiring. Khalilah shares insights into TalentNova, a platform that provides career tools and resources for justice-impacted individuals.
Key Points Discussed
- Justice-impacted individuals face unique challenges in finding employment, and community support is crucial in navigating the workforce.
- Ban-the-Box policies have been instrumental in giving justice-impacted individuals a fair chance at employment by removing questions about criminal records from job applications.
- Justice-impacted individuals possess valuable skills such as resilience, loyalty, teamwork, and leadership, which can be translated into the workplace.
- Listing jobs and certifications obtained while serving time can help fill employment gaps and showcase relevant experience and skills.
- Building confidence during the job search process is essential, and it can be achieved through community support, self-reflection, and positive language.
- Seeking out community-based organizations that provide resume assistance, interview coaching, and other resources can greatly benefit justice-impacted individuals.
- Knowing and exercising one's rights in the hiring process, such as when to disclose criminal history, can help level the playing field for justice-impacted individuals.
- The future of fair-chance hiring involves collaboration between employers, community organizations, and technology platforms to create opportunities and remove barriers for justice-impacted individuals.
- TalentNova is a platform that offers career tools, including resume and cover letter builders, interview courses, and coaching, to support justice-impacted individuals in their job search and career advancement.
00:00 Introduction to Fair Chance Employment 03:03 Understanding Justice Impacted Individuals 08:40 The Impact of Ban the Box Policies 10:20 Uncovering the Hidden Skills of Justice Impacted Individuals 19:10 Building a Supportive Community for Successful Reentry 26:50 Career Growth Opportunities for Justice Impacted Individuals 31:28 Talent Nova: Career Tools and Support for Justice Impacted Individuals
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Books and resources mentioned in this podcast:
- Resume course:
- TalentNova:
- Dress for Success:
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