May 23 2024 42 mins
Today’s episode highlights the work that is being done by Christians for the incarcerated. Heather sits down with the first female president of Prison Fellowship, Heather Rice Minus and discusses what work still needs to be done outside of prisons, and in our communities, to help incarcerated individuals transition after serving their sentence.
During today’s episode Heather also provides an update on Viral Jesus and requests your prayer for the future of the show.
Guest Bio
Heather Rice Minus is the President and CEO of Prison Fellowship.
Host Bio
Heather Thompson Day is an associate professor of communication at Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan. She is the author of eight books, including I’ll See You Tomorrow and It’s Not Your Turn. Reach out to Heather on X, the app formerly known as Twitter at @HeatherTDay and on Instagram @heatherthompsonday. Receive Heather’s weekly inspirational email every Friday at 7pm EST; sign up at