Jan 29 2025 48 mins
If your game plan is offline advertising, but your website sucks—you’re fumbling your growth strategy. And, later, Conrad shares his origin story!
There is often a significant imbalance between law firms’ offline and online marketing investments, but things simply won’t work as well if you don’t synergize both aspects. Gyi and Conrad talk through their recommendations for diversified online and offline expenditures that can maximize your firm’s potential for growth.
Later, how did Conrad become Conrad? The child of Australian immigrant parents, Conrad shares his life’s journey from Vegemite sandwich-toting lad to MBA grad to SEO pioneer to Mockingbird Marketing owner—and everything in between!
The News:
We are brilliant crystal ball pontificators! Cases in point:
- Non-lawyer participation in the legal world - KPMG Law Firm
- Low firm consolidations - Sweet James purchased Jenn Gore’s firm.
- Chaos and confusion! - TikTok - Gone and Back Again
- Report bad business conduct in GBP - Google Maps New Report Business Conduct
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Conrad’s Crystal Ball IV | Lawyer Marketing Predictions for 2025
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