Feb 11 2025 62 mins
As the battle over the future of education intensifies, Ravi takes a step back to ask a bold question: What if we could redesign K-12 education from the ground up? He breaks down what’s working, what policymakers and educators have gotten wrong, and the bold, forward-thinking innovations that can best serve students in a rapidly changing world.
In this special episode, Ravi explores everything from flexible school models and student-driven learning to how to prioritize mastery over grade levels and teacher autonomy over bureaucracy. He asks whether schools should mirror our increasingly individualistic society or act as a counterbalance to its isolation and what role educators should play in fostering student identity. Finally, Ravi unpacks the biggest barriers to innovation, why creativity and critical thinking should be at the core of modern learning, and what it would take to build a truly world-class education system.
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Notes from this episode are available on Substack: https://thelostdebate.substack.com/
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