Sep 19 2022 50 mins
What links Adele, the Nazis, and Yorkshire theme park Lightwater Valley? That’s right, it’s hollow Earth theory! The Earth’s core is 2,900km below ground, and we humans have only ever dug 12.2km down. So beyond some scientists guessing what’s down there (and what do they know, really) we are none the wiser about what sits at the centre of our world.
James and Jol are this week joined by comedian, poet and podcaster Rob Auton, to dig down into hollow earth theory. Inspired by a ride on ‘The Rat’ at the aforementioned Lightwater Valley, Rob’s been fascinated by the concept of hollow earth theory since childhood/for at least one whole week.
The boys unearth the intricacies of this, on the surface, strange theory, and discuss what could really be down there: An advanced race? A sun? Laser quest!?
Rob Auton brings his brand new show, The Crowd Show, to venues nationwide from 1st October as part of his biggest UK tour to date. More info and tickets available at
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A Somethin' Else & Sony Music Entertainment production.
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