Mar 13 2025 9 mins 1
George and Ian catch up on tech as it impacts UK small and mid-caps.
Recent events have seen the US market, and US tech and smaller stocks in particular, backtrace whilst UK’s Techmark index has gone up 5% since the start of the year. Perhaps showing its worth as a shelter in times of trouble?
George updates on recent recruitment sector news, not great, but reminds us that elsewhere individual stocks where there is management change or revitalization can be interesting – pointing to NetCall and PCI Pal amongst the small-caps and the once giant Capita, also amongst the small-caps.
Ian revisits UK electronics and electricals: Spirent, Spectris, Renishaw et al. It leaves him puzzled at their lack of interest in talking about AI. Aren’t those involved in measurement and data generation going to be the lifeblood of industrial AI and for those with semiconductor manufacturing equipment companies as customers isn’t it AI that’s driving, or at least supporting, their top line now.
Brought to you by Progressive Equity.