Jan 09 2025 42 mins 47
Join us for a captivating episode of Typology as we dive deep into the spiritual journey with New York Times bestselling author John Eldridge! In this special interview, we explore themes from his latest book, Experience Jesus Really: Finding Refuge, Strength, and Wonder Through Everyday Encounters with God.
We engage in a rich conversation about the impact of modern-day addictions, the quest for genuine experiences of God, and the importance of cultivating a spiritual life amidst the noise of our fast-paced world. John shares insights on becoming an "ordinary mystic," the significance of desire in our spiritual journeys, and practical steps to reconnect with the divine presence within us.
Whether you're struggling with distractions, seeking deeper intimacy with God, or simply looking for inspiration, this episode is packed with wisdom and encouragement.
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John Eldredge’s Website
John Eldredge on Social: Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
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