Dec 06 2023 81 mins
On the final episode of DRS (yes, ever), Alanis, Elizabeth, and Nolan share why we’ve decided to end the show on a high note, and then dole out some superlatives for our graduating (but returning) class of F1 drivers. They also read through some of our massive backlog of listener mail.
PERSONAL NOTE: We have read everything you’ve ever sent us, and cannot adequately express the appreciation we have for our listeners. We love y’all and your support has meant the world to us.
0:00 Intro
1:02 Future of DRS
21:57 F1 Superlatives
51:05 Listener Mail
1:12:17 Boyfriend of the Week
1:15:02 Outro
Order Alanis’ and Elizabeth’s book, Racing with Rich Energy, here:
Sign up for Elizabeth's new podcast, Deadly Passions, Terrible Joys here:
Subscribe to Alanis’s new podcast, 36 Questions, here:
Follow Nolan on IG & Twitter @nolanjsykes
Follow Alanis on IG & Twitter @alanisnking
Follow Elizabeth on IG @elizablackstock and on Twitter @Eliz_blackstock
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