Your YouTube Audience Just Got MUCH BIGGER (with Brett Snelgrove)

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Sep 08 2023 35 mins  

If you're trying to up your game with video marketing on YouTube or other platforms, you really have got to understand that social media, YouTube, it's international. It's not just America, not just the UK, not just English, because it's the entire world.

So you really want to understand how to do multilingual properties on YouTube, Facebook, etc. We've got an expert here, Brett Snelgrove, who's worked for some amazing companies. Now he's helping you specifically today to tell you about the new YouTube feature that enables you to put in audio tracks (or dubbing, if you like) so your viewers can hear videos in their native languages. This is going to be a big trend, don't miss it.


- Brett Snelgrove - LinkedIn

HOST: The VidAction Podcast is hosted by:
- Dane Golden, YouTube Consultant | LinkedIn | YouTube