Can your mind actually control your body? How much of your consciousness is running the show of your life versus the unconscious part of your brain? Can you actually reprogram your mind? We’re unleashing the power of consciousness matter and miracles and how you can CHANGE YOUR LIFE on this week’s MBB!
Cell biologist and epigenetics expert Dr. Bruce Lipton (author of “The Honeymoon Effect” & “Spontaneous Evolution") answers your deep questions and reveals groundbreaking insights into how our subconscious mind programming and how our biology of belief shapes our health, cells, and even our reality. Learn how quantum physics provides proof that we can change our physical world for the better, why early childhood programming is more crucial than we ever realized, and how love can heal negative programming. Discover the power of positive thinking, self-hypnosis, meditation and setting intentions to transform your body and mind - plus the science behind why the placebo effect really works. Dr. Lipton also uncovers why "we’re already living in heaven", how exactly you can change your beliefs and put mind over matter, and how to raise conscious children. Don't miss his powerful and motivational explanation on the energy behind our thoughts and feelings and why we must stop overcomplicating them with words!
Dr. Bruce Lipton's Books: