Jul 30 2022 18 mins 2
What would it be like if you had to go out and forage for food every day?
Who would you be in the story? Mason, Cindy Rosemarie, Matagot, or someone else?
Today's story was reimagined by Stephen LaFrenie from the folktale 'Belling the Cat' and performed by Marcel Dragonieri.
About Today's Storyteller:
Marcel Dragonieri is a writer, performer and arts educator. He is the co-founder of Zanni Arte, a theatre company dedicated to teaching mask performance/mask making to both actors and non-actors alike. He has performed and designed programming for numerous schools and companies including SummerWorks, Toronto Fringe, The National Theatre School, Metaphysical Theatre, Goderich Little Theatre, TDSB Arts Co-op and Mirvish Productions. You can catch him in the kitchen munching on a bag of potato chips (ketchup is his favourite).
Make a mask...
As an arts educator, Marcel teaches mask-making workshops with his dad Teodoro through their theatre company Zanni Arte. You can find their company on social media here. If you would like to make a mask at home check out Zanni Arte's "Make a Face" Challenge PDF with step-by-step instructions and watch their tutorial videos on Youtube. Perhaps you could continue the adventures of Cindy Rosemarie and her family or create mask characters and perform stories for family and friends!
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Our first audiobook, ‘Pigs, Princesses, and One Tough Turtle’, along with a paperback copy, is available through our website.
Les mots sont délicieux! Words are delicious.
French/English from today's snack:
Une cuisine: a kitchen
La fenêtre: the window
La table: the table
Sous la table: under the table
Écoutez: listen
Écoutez tout le monde! Listen everyone!
Écoutez-moi. Listen to me.
Courir: to run
La chaise: the chair
La porte: the door
Où est le fromage? Where is the cheese?
Pas de fromage: no cheese
Tout ce fromage: all this cheese
Un chat: a cat
Une souris: a mouse
Tout les souris: all the mice
Cette petite souris: this little mouse
Mère: mother
Père: father
Mon cadeau: my present
Excusez-moi! Excuse me!
Une cloche: a bell
Merci beaucoup!
Merci à Stephen LaFrenie et Marcel Dragonieri for 'Who Will Put the Bell on the Cat?' / 'Qui va mettre la cloche sur le chat?' Thanks to Bearkin for the illustration of Matagot the cat.
This Audio Snack was performed by Marcel Dragonieri, Professor Pineapple, and Bearkin. Episode mixed by Tim Freeman. Creative and production support by Ginette Mohr. Episode music composed and performed by Tim Freeman and Red Velvet Revolution. 'Ukulele Trip' by Oleksii Kaplunskyi.
See you soon! A bientôt!
Support Catch Me in the Kitchen Audio Snacks: an English-French stories podcast for kids by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/catch-me-in-the-kitchen-audio-