45: Is It Trust or Compliance With Our Horse?

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Feb 07 2025 49 mins  

Today I’m reflecting on the idea of whether our interactions with our horses are based on trust or compliance. Whether they experience a true sense of trust with us, or a desire to just do what they’ve been trained to do because they have no choice. As part of this I share a story about my horse Dakota and how we had a recent opportunity to test this out. And I talk about a horse we had named Lux who helped me start listening to myself, and my horses, even more.

In this episode I also talk about some significant differences I see in the horse world today that I didn’t see years ago. How not having horses in my daily life for a number of years, while painful, also gave me new perspectives and awareness that I’ve benefitted from since my return to the horse world. And how that time away let me clarify why I really want horses in my life, and the kinds of experiences I want to have with them moving forward – experiences based on true trust and love.

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Horse Girls On a Budget – Creative Ways of Pursuing Our Passion & Connection With Horses https://michellewaldo.com/horse-girls-on-a-budget-podcast/

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MORE ABOUT ME https://michellewaldo.com/