Dec 06 2024 32 mins
Would you be willing to follow a horse galloping through your town? And what if the rider on it was a ghost? Lady Jane shows no fear as she tells of her fellow travelers and storytellers about her decision to do just that while she was visiting the town of Sleepy Hollow. Cast members in order of appearance is David Seremet as Pascal Beaumont; Peg Bryan as Lady Jane; Joe Potts as the Narrator; Paul Fox as Professor James Moriarty; Scott Walton as Colonel Krinkle; Bobby Fetter as Tyler Bentley; Jess Evans as Young Jane; and Lillian Kenyon as Melissa. Directed by Karrie Fetter; Produced by Thomas Marinchak, our Audio Technician was Matthew Mann; Sound Design by Matthew Mann and Jacob Gorsich; and Music by Matthew Mann. A Production of We Are One Body Audio Theatre.