Oct 31 2022 29 mins
Happy Halloween and welcome to the file room, where we keep all prior episodes of The Q Files. You may have heard this episode previously, but it's worth another listen while we work on bringing you fantastic new episodes.
Let's get spookgay and return to the very first episode of The Q Files! Halloween isn’t just a holiday for LGBTQ people — it’s an institution. But why? Join us on our inaugural episode as we enjoy a glass of wine on Lori's porch and discuss what makes Halloween so queer. We'll cover the history, and we'll share the stories of our first queer Halloweens.
The Q Files is a personal, purposeful, paranormal podcast about the highly strange and weirdly unknown. Join us on our queer adventures as we explore the people, places, and phenomena, outside popular consciousness.
The documentary series features astonishing stories about the paranormal, the supernatural, occulture, forgotten history, and the strange.
Be Weird. Stay Curious. These are The Q Files.
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Stay in touch: Facebook: The Q Files Podcast, Twitter: TheQFilesPod, Instagram: TheQFilesPod The music for The Q Files is provided by Sounds Like An Earful.