Feb 28 2024 61 mins
Our heroes of 197X come together to introduce Highwayman to the wonderful world of tabletop roleplaying games! Join us as game master Jonh Doe takes Berzerkir, Voidwalker and Highwayman to the fantasy realm of Washington DC!
Thank you for listening!
Follow the show on Twitter @CGAPod. Find the cast at:
- Ludo (GM): @Delethiel and Heroes of the Republic
- Brad (Jonh Doe): @bzajdabarbarian and bzaj#1648 on Discord
- Sam (Highwayman): @YoungSpaceDad and LiveFromMyBasement#1056 on Discord
- Bren (Berzerkir) @Coppercredit
Crimson Gold Agonies is not associated with Greater Than Games or Critical Hits.
Sentinel Comics RPG is owed by Greater Than Games in collaboration with Critical Hits. Sentinels of the Universe is the intellectual property of Greater Than Games. Labor is entitled to all it creates.
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