Dec 06 2024 38 mins
Do you like a good story, even though it might not all be true? Take a seat at the Fourth Avenue Club for Travelers and Storytellers and listen to Major Rubin as he tries to convince his fellow storytellers that he rode a time traveling elephant. Cast in order of appearance is Dennis Jerz as Major Billy Rubin; David Seremet as Pascal Beaumont ; Joe Potts as the Narrator; Peg Bryan as Lady Jane; Scott Walton as Colonel Krinkle; Paul Fox as Kapoor; and Pat Conroy as Abraham Lincoln. Written by Joe Potts; Directed by Karrie Fetter; Produced by Thomas Marinchak; Our Audio Technician was Matthew Mann; Sound Design by Matthew Mann and Jacob Gorsich; Music by Matthew Mann. A Production of We Are One Body® Audio Theatre.