Jun 17 2024 68 mins
Episode Notes
Notes go here
In today's SBC gaming news, we see some issues with the RG35XXSP. One user posted an image of their SP battery exploding.
Another user posted their battery expanding as well. Using a 5v 1.5A charging brick with a USB A to USB C cable is recommended unless you can measure the voltage coming out of the charger to confirm safe operation. Other people use their computer's USB port to charge as well.
It's the price for the devices being cheap. They don't go through a QA and QC process.
We also have some unfortunate news of the Gameforce Ace not shipping. It's turned into a scam essentially with people not getting their units. The few that did receive units have handhelds with too many problems.
There's definitely a tradeoff for buying these devices as low prices from companies that cut corners. The tradeoff is that consumers need to do their own research as well as be ready to make some repairs themselves. The handhelds aren't designed properly and the reliability can be a hit or a miss, along with some being straight up scams.
On the whole however, they're amazing devices for the price for anyone willing to put in some work. They're definitely not ready for mass consumption for the general crowd however.
And more!
Thanks for listening!
Stick Hole Plugs: https://www.printables.com/model/825678-rgb30-analog-plugs
Blog: https://duckyobrien.com/
Video Podcast: https://youtu.be/pHjT7WWzEPE