Feb 02 2015 58 mins
John Henry Browne is a criminal defense attorney in Seattle who is best known for his work on behalf of the notorious. One of his first clients was Ted Bundy—a vicious, serial killer who murdered scores of women in at least a half-dozen states. More recently, he represented Robert Bales, a former U.S. Army sergeant who is now serving a life prison sentence for the murder of 16 Afghani civilians. These were, to say the least, extremely difficult cases for a defense attorney to take on. But no matter how vilified his clients, Browne could always be counted on to give prosecutors a rough time. As one prosecutor once observed: Browne in the courtroom is like “a pit bull on crack.” In November, Browne spoke with California Lawyer contributing editor Martin Lasden. Series: "Legally Speaking" [Public Affairs] [Show ID: 29107]