Oct 03 2018 8 mins
UC Natural Reserve System lands are home to dozens of vulnerable animal and plant species. These range from some of the state's rarest amphibians to endemic plants to icons of the West such as bighorn sheep. Studies conducted at the 39 reserves of the NRS informs how these species are managed, which helps preserve the Golden State's extraordinary biological diversity.
Scientists "can work in protected areas that allow them to follow the biology and the ecosystem dynamics of these rare and endangered species. We're really proud of that," says Peggy Fiedler, executive director of the NRS. Series: "UC Natural Reserve System" [Science] [Show ID: 33949]
Scientists "can work in protected areas that allow them to follow the biology and the ecosystem dynamics of these rare and endangered species. We're really proud of that," says Peggy Fiedler, executive director of the NRS. Series: "UC Natural Reserve System" [Science] [Show ID: 33949]