It's Too Much+Can I Help Someone?+The Flying Sarabande Machine (Show #260/271/258) | DL MP3 from Sep 26, 2022

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Sep 26 2022
Set: Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza - It's Too Much

Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza - "It's Too Much (first and last segments)" - Show #260, from July 28, 2002 [Improvised live on WFMU's Rotating Hosts slot. Late at night, with a sleeping DJ behind me.

Listing of samples used follows, in real time:

] [0:00:00]

Dan Bodah - "Talking" [Introduces my set, while talking over his "The Necks" track] [0:00:03]

The Necks - "Sex" - Sex [(Chris Abrahms, piano) Track played last by prior host, now seeded and grown into 25 minute collage] [0:00:17]

Dan Bodah - "Talking" [As sampled from introduction prior to my set] [0:16:29]

The Necks - "Sex" - Sex [0:16:50]

Cosmic Cowboy - "Talking" [As sampled from show prior to this one] [0:18:38]

Philip Glass - "Music With Changing Parts" - Music With Changing Parts [0:18:50]

Marlon Brando - "Horror Has a Face" - Apocalypse Now sound clips [0:19:07]

The Beatles - "It's All Too Much" - Studio Mystery Tracks [Main source for final segment of set. George Harrison] [0:19:28]

The Necks - "Sex" - Sex [0:27:15]

The Beatles - "It's All Too Much" - Studio Mystery Tracks [0:28:14]

End of set

Set: Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza - Can I Help Someone?

Steve Reich - "Six Marimbas" [0:41:37]

Ken - "Intro" [Very simple] [0:41:41]

Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza - "Can I Help Someone?" - Show #271, from Sept. 30, 2003 [Made live on KOOP Austin. Early evening, in an old wooden studio.

Listing of samples used follows, in real time:

] [0:39:27]

Steve Reich - "Six Marimbas" [Various copies layered, under first Surviving Desire dialog loop] [0:41:52]

Hal Hartley (director/writer), actor: Mary B. Ward - "Can I help someone? Somebody need any help? Somebody need any assistance?" - Surviving Desire movie [Looped] [0:42:13]

Hal Hartley (director/writer), actor: Mary B. Ward - "People often do things they don't understand; it doesn't make them any less genuine." - Surviving Desire movie [0:45:06]

Hal Hartley (director/writer), actor: Mary B. Ward - "Will you be tortured by the memory of having been with me, of having caressed me?" - Surviving Desire movie ["Do you think I'm very beautiful? If you never see me again after tonight, will you be sad? Will you be tortured by the memory of having been with me, of having caressed me? Will you wonder if I'm with other men? Will you be jealous? Will you become obsessed? Will you carry your disappointment around with you forever? Will you be maudlin and anti-social? Will you get into fights? Will you expect other women to be somehow more like me? My mouth, my eyes, the way I wear my hair? Will you? Will you be like that, you think? It's the nature of things, you know: regret."] [0:47:28]

Tangerine Dream - "Love on a Real Train" - Risky Business Soundtrack [Backwards and forwards, various copies layered and tied together, under Surviving Desire dialog loop, in the style of "Love on a PATH Train: Regurgitation 1.5" (Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza 7/21/01)] [0:48:08]

Hal Hartley (director/writer), actor: Mary B. Ward - "The giving of himself has left him empty and old before his time." - Surviving Desire movie ["He is desperate, and his frustration mounts to overflowing, before giving way to his final and audacious mistake. Finally, he caves in, gives up, and takes what is offered, because he knows he can, because he knows he wants. He lacks faith, and therefore patience. The giving of himself has left him empty and old before his time."] [0:57:00]

Hal Hartley (director/writer), actor: Mary B. Ward - "The giving of herself has left her empty and old before her time." - Surviving Desire movie ["She is desperate, and her frustration mounts to overflowing, before giving way to her final and audacious mistake. Finally, she caves in, gives up, and takes what is offered, because she knows she can, because she knows she wants. She lacks faith, and therefore patience. The giving of herself has left her empty and old before her time."] [1:01:23]

Hal Hartley (director/writer), actor: Mary B. Ward - "Can I help someone? Does anyone need any assistance? Does anyone need any help?, with closing theme" - Surviving Desire movie [1:01:57]

Carter Burwell - "Dream of the Future" - Raising Arizona Soundtrack [1:04:24]

Ken - "ID, promo, URL, email, signoff" [1:05:05]

End of set

Set: Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza - The Flying Sarabande Machine

Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza - "The Flying Sarabande Machine" - Show #258, from June 16, 2002 [Performed live at free103point9 in Brooklyn. Early evening microbroadcast in a Williamsburg loft, perhaps with a cat and other loungers. I don't see any method at all.

Listing of samples used follows, in real time, possibly out of order:

] [1:08:27]

Georg Friedrich Handel - "Sarabande Main Title" - Barry Lyndon Soundtrack [The main musical theme of the show, based on various Handel arrangements from the Kubrick film] [1:08:47]

Brad Fiedel - "Fright Night Theme" - Fright Night soundtrack [1:11:18]

Brad Fiedel, Chris Sarandon, Amanda Bearse - "Come to Me (Instrumental, dialog)" - Fright Night soundtrack [The sexy 80's vampire scene. Where's Charlie?] [1:11:51]

Brad Fiedel - "Come to Me (Vocals)" - Fright Night soundtrack [Not sure when played]

Brad Fiedel - "Terminator Theme" - The Terminator soundtrack [1:13:06]

The Beatles - "Flying (alternate mix)" - Alternate Magical Mystery Tour [The secondary musical theme of the show, using at least two versions of the sleeper classic, but not the original] [1:13:32]

The Beatles - "Flying (bootleg)" - White Album bootlegs [1:14:46]

Marlon Brando & Martin Sheen - "I Don't See Any Method At All" - Apocalypse Now sound clips [Are my methods unsound?] [1:15:51]

Brad Fiedel - "Terminator Theme" - The Terminator soundtrack [Eventually multiple copies of this built to a highly prolonged crescendo (which then led into the Magic Garden theme)] [1:16:58]

Georg Friedrich Handel - "Sarabande-Duel" - Barry Lyndon Soundtrack [1:18:53]

Mike Post - "Hill Street Blues Theme" [Intro looped] [1:19:23]

Georg Friedrich Handel - "Sarabande-Duel (Reprise)" - Barry Lyndon Soundtrack [1:20:45]

Walter Murch - "Various sound clips" - Apocalypse Now sound clips [1:21:06]

Hannah-Barbera - "Various ridiculous sound effects (boing, car skid, crash, doi, drop bonk, get away, run, run away, rush, rush slip, slam, slip bonk, streak)" - Hannah Barbera sound effects [During sound effects barrage] [1:22:13]

Georg Friedrich Handel - "Sarabande End-Title" - Barry Lyndon Soundtrack [Only used at end of show] [1:22:46]

Sound Effects - "226 unrelated sound effects" [Sound effects overload] [1:24:03]

Sound Effects - "200 unrelated sound samples" [Sound effects overload] [1:25:11]

Hannah-Barbera - "Jetsons doorbell" [Looped for a short period] [1:26:17]

Philip Glass - "Music With Changing Parts" - Music With Changing Parts [In acknowledging a return to an earlier style of mine, I returned to dishwashing music] [1:29:15]

Wendy Carlos, David Thiel - "100 Q*Bert's falling upward over backwards circus music" - "Q*Bert Bach Terror" from Sept. 24, 2000 via "Mommy" from Feb. 6, 2002 [2000 collage remixed during 2002 collage] [1:29:27]

George W. Bush - "Everywhere in America the conflict will not be short, and I'm deeply grateful, because this is America" - Post-Sept. 11, 2001 radio address ["A comprehensive assault on terrorism bound us together as a nation. Our response must be sweeping, sustained, effective, designed to tear us apart. I will not settle for a token act. Everywhere in America the conflict will not be short, and I'm deeply grateful, because this is America..."] [1:30:13]

Georg Friedrich Handel - "Sarabande Main Title" - Barry Lyndon Soundtrack [The main musical theme of the show, based on various Handel arrangements from the Kubrick film] [1:31:09]

Mike Post - "Hill Street Blues Theme" [A little more intro looping, then rest of song] [1:31:19]

George W. Bush - "Get Back to Work" - Post-September 11, 2001 speech ["Get back to work, evil doers, to do what's right for America. The American people made a terrible mistake. Our nation was horrified to do what's right for America..."] [1:31:28]

Phone answering machine - "Various phone messages I received in April 2002" [Various copies] [1:32:13]

Georg Friedrich Handel - "Sarabande-Duel (Reprise)" - Barry Lyndon Soundtrack [1:34:13]

Carole Demas, Paula Janis, Alton Alexander, George Kayatta - "The Hello Song" - The Magic Garden ["If you sing for me, la la la la la la, I'll sing for you, loo loo loo loo loo loo..." After George W.'s rearranged lecturing on terrorism and death movie music] [1:35:32]

Brad Fiedel - "Terminator Theme" - The Terminator soundtrack [1:37:48]

Thomas Newman - "Possibility" - Pay It Forward soundtrack [Brief] [1:42:59]

Carole Demas, Paula Janis, Alton Alexander, George Kayatta - "The Hello Song" - The Magic Garden [Can you crow like a rooster? Cockadoodledoo] [1:43:48]

Hannah-Barbera - "The Jetsons (Underscore)" - Hanna-Barbera's Pic-A-Nic Basket Volume 2 [Music that plays in the background during the cartoon] [1:44:15]

Phone answering machine - "Various phone messages I received in April 2002" [Various copies] [1:45:04]

Brad Fiedel - "Terminator Theme" - The Terminator soundtrack [1:46:08]

Carole Demas, Paula Janis, Alton Alexander, George Kayatta - "See Ya" - The Magic Garden ["Hope you'll have a good good mornin', hope you'll have a shiny day." Nearly the closing theme.] [1:49:24]

The Beatles - "Flying (alternate mix)" - Alternate Magical Mystery Tour [The secondary musical theme of the show, using at least two versions of the sleeper classic, but not the original] [1:50:03]

Georg Friedrich Handel - "Sarabande Main Title" - Barry Lyndon Soundtrack [The main musical theme of the show, based on various Handel arrangements from the Kubrick film] [1:52:48]

End of set

Set: Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza - Layered Laughter Brings New Closure to the Guy (ending only)

Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza - "Layered Laughter Brings New Closure to the Guy (ending only)" - Show #368, from May 31, 2005 [Last 10 minutes ever before bowing goodbye to Austin

] [1:55:33]