Jun 06 2023 6 mins
In an era where screens dominate our time, finding your personal identity becomes a challenge. Our generation is shaping itself based on an increasingly virtual world, often losing touch with the inner self. In fact, a recent study suggests that we could end up spending at least ten years of our life in front of a screen. But how does this shape who we become?
This episode of "Change Starts Here" with host Dustin Odham, Managing Director at FranklinCovey Education, tackles this very question. Odham probes into the subject of identity and its significance in our lives. He underscores the idea that your focus shapes who you become, and encourages listeners to introspect on who they want to be, rather than who they currently are.
Throughout the episode, Odham shares:
- How the process of finding your identity can lead to creating systems that yield expected results from the desired identity.
- The role that personal focus plays in shaping one's identity.
- The importance of self-reflection in aligning actions with the person one aspires to be.
Dustin Odham, is the Managing Director at FranklinCovey Education. Known for his thought-provoking discussions, he brings in-depth insights to his listeners, guiding them towards personal and professional development.