Feb 12 2025 19 mins
In the latest episode of Beyond the Text, Conning's podcast host Alyssa Gittleman discusses the findings of the Workers' Compensation Focus report with Jay Sarzen, a director in Conning's Insurance Research Department. The report, titled "Workers' Compensation: Wearable Technologies Slow Acceleration to Preserve the Reserve," examines the current state of the workers' compensation market, highlighting historically low combined ratios due to decreased injury frequency and robust workplace safety programs. However, Sarzen notes a potential shift as accident year loss ratios begin to deteriorate, driven by factors such as an aging workforce and plateauing safety improvements. The discussion emphasizes the need for insurers to adopt new technologies, particularly wearable devices, to maintain low accident frequencies and manage emerging challenges. Despite current low adoption rates, there is optimism that increased evidence of the effectiveness of these technologies will drive broader implementation. The full report is available for purchase on Conning's website.
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